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Webydo offers a cloud-based web design platform that allows designers to create advanced HTML5, responsive websites without writing code². Here are some key features and services provided by Webydo:

- **WYSIWYG Design Interface**: Designers can drag and drop elements directly onto the canvas, similar to tools like Adobe Photoshop or InDesign².
- **Content Management System (CMS)**: Built-in CMS for dynamic updates, allowing website owners to manage content easily².
- **E-commerce Integration**: Partnership with Ecwid to provide built-in e-commerce functionality².
- **SEO Management Tools**: Tools to optimize websites for search engines².
- **Hosting and Data Protection**: Webydo hosts the published websites and provides automatic backups and data protection².

Webydo is designed for professional designers who want to create custom-made websites for their clients without relying on developers². This platform is particularly suited for B2B use, offering more advanced and professional design tools compared to DIY website builders².

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